Your Support In Action - Giselle and Elijah

Meet Giselle and Elijah

Giselle*, a single mother of three children, was living in a shelter for homeless families and concerned for her three-year-old son, Elijah*, who threw intense tantrums regularly. Giselle felt concerned about how major changes in their family and housing insecurity was affecting Elijah. How would this stressful season for her family affect Elijah’s ability to cope with life’s hardships as he grew up and when he was an adult? She was at a loss.

In EFC’s ABC Toddler Program, Giselle learned how important it is to respond to Elijah in a loving, consistent manner whenever he got hurt or felt scared, sad, or frustrated. EFC therapists encouraged Giselle to respond consistently to Elijah by validating and helping him identify his emotions. It was in this way they could build Elijah’s emotional vocabulary and that important ingredient for any happy, healthy kid: resiliency.

After only 10 therapy sessions practicing empathy and resiliency-building skills during, Giselle witnessed a transformation in her three-year-old son. Elijah learned to say, “I’m mad. My blocks keep falling,” instead of throwing a screaming tantrum. He also showed he could express his needs, saying, “I need help. My train track is broken.”

Giselle reports that the other mothers in the shelter for homeless families have remarked on Elijah’s incredible progress. Giselle now feels equipped and empowered to meet her toddler’s needs during a difficult time for her family. She knows her children can thrive under her consistent, loving care. The entire family has learned the power of resiliency.

*Names have been changed to protect clients’ privacy.

This story illustrates YOUR support in action. If it weren’t for compassionate people like you, Giselle would not be able to access the coaching and counseling needed to become the confident parent that she now is. Unfortunately, so many families can’t afford the therapy and other resources they need to help their children thrive. With your support, kids like Elijah can flourish.

Dear reader, we want to remind you that your support and engagement allow us to make children’s better by providing free education, counseling, and support to break dysfunctional patterns of generational abuse and neglect in adults and other children’s caregivers. You have the power to ensure Durham area children can access the support they need, no matter their family’s income.

Thank you for being a hero for children!