protective factors

Protective Factors: Concrete Support in Good Times and in Bad

As families in eastern North Carolina face cleaning up after the damage and devastation left in Hurricane Florence’s wake, it’s a good time to consider resilience. We’ve discussed 5 protective factors in the past that buffer and support children and families even during stressful times like these. It seems especially apt, given the disaster affecting our region to look closely at the fourth of these protective factors here: concrete support in good times and in bad.

We All Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends—2 Benefits of Strong Social Networks

It’s back to school time! But what does that mean? For you it might mean a bit more quiet time at home. For your kids it might mean a new school, new classroom, new teacher, and maybe even a new Wonder Woman backpack. But as we get ourselves and our kids ready for a new year, we also want to remember that back to school isn’t just about getting back to academics. It’s also about getting back to great friends, making new ones, and having other social experiences.

“Is this Behavior Normal?” And Other Reasonable Questions Parents Ask About Their Child’s Development

Have you ever watched your child and wondered, “is this behavior normal?” This question crosses the mind of every parent from time to time. At certain stages in your child’s development, you may have this question everyday or even multiple times a day. 

Protective Factors: Find Strong Support Among Your Social Connections

This is the most recent blog post in a series we’re running on Protective Factors.

Protective factors can serve as buffers, helping parents find resources, support, and coping strategies that allow them to parent more effectively.  This post focuses on social connections.