Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors and make memories with family and loved ones. All too often, it seems that the summer months slip by before we know it!
At Exchange Family Center, the summer months are also an exciting time and have gone quickly. Last month we celebrated 25 years of serving Durham families and the supporters who helped make that possible. July 1st marked the start of our newest fiscal year.
With the start of this new year, EFC’s Board of Directors has elected new members into leadership positions. We are excited to welcome these dedicated Board members into their new roles:
Nancy volunteering at the Peter Pan Anti-Bullying event at Northgate Mall.
Nancy Gordon, President: Nancy joined our agency’s Board of Directors in 2013. She is retired after having served as a Durham County District Court Judge. Nancy presided over Family Courts including Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Court until 2015. She is active in the Durham community and dedicated to strengthening families. We look forward to her strong leadership supporting the ongoing growth of EFC as President of the Board of Directors.
Verona Middleton-Jeter, Vice President: Verona joined our agency’s Board in 2014. She is retired after serving as the Executive Director of the Henry Street Settlement in New York. Verona’s strong non-profit background has been an asset to our agency. We look forward to her continued leadership as Vice President of the Board of Directors.
Verona volunteering at our 3rd annual Pinwheels for Prevention Family Fun Day.
Alan volunteering at our 4th annual Pinwheels for Prevention Family Fun Day.
Alan Jessup, Secretary: Alan most recently joined our agency’s Board of Directors in 2016. He is a North Carolina native and works for Nationwide Insurance. Alan has been a member of the Exchange Club of Greater Durham since 1991. He was one of the founding members of our agency and also served on the Board of Directors from 1999-2003. We look forward to his oversight as Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Jerry Dodd, Treasurer: Jerry has been a member of our agency’s Board of Directors since EFC was founded in 1992. He is a CPA co-owner of Garrett, Dodd & Associates Ltd. Jerry is also a long time member of the Exchange Club of Greater Durham. We are appreciative of Jerry’s long-term dedication to EFC and we look forward to his continued guidance as Treasurer of the Board of Directors.
Jerry volunteering at our 47th annual Golf Tournament.
Samantha has volunteered on our Golf Tournament committee since joining the Board of Directors.
Samantha Perry, At-Large Member to the Executive Committee: Samantha joined our agency's Board of Directors in 2016. She has a background in Human Resources and works as a Benefits Consultant. Samantha holds a Master of Public Administration and Bachelor of Business Administration in Management. Her passion and knowledge have been an asset to EFC and we look forward to her input in the new position of At-Large Member of the Executive Committee.
Thank you to all those who support Exchange Family Center. Please join us in welcoming our newest Board leadership!